Dried Lavender Bouquet



Dried Lavender Bouquet - Organically grown in Black Forest Colorado.

Suggested use: Home Wedding Decorations, Flower Arrangements, & Home Fragrance.

How big are your lavender bundles? This is the most commonly asked question that we get asked at Lavender Field in Black Forest. Everybody wants to know just how big our bundles of fresh and dried lavender are. First of all, the easy answer is big. But, we know that doesn’t help when you’re planning for table scapes, wedding walls, and floral wreaths. So, just how big – is big?

Our True Nature Homestead Natural Dried Lavender Bouquets contain 280-300 Stems which average 16“ in length.

Let’s talk about how we harvest our dried lavender. We normally start sometime in June. Early, if the weather has been outstandingly warm and sunny for some of our early blooming high altitude varieties. Towards the end of June for some of the other varieties.

Lavender is a hand tended plant around True Nature Homestead. This means that we spend months weeding and checking plant health before our big harvest begins. We also cut and tie each bundle by hand too. We use collapsible, serrated blades similar to this, to cut our lavender come harvest time.

Depending on the size of the plant we visually inspect to see where we will grab and bundle before we cut. On a large, mature plant we can pull anywhere from 5+ bundles. Smaller, less established plants will only sometimes yield one bundle. Plants under 3 years are generally pruned and their flowers and stems are used solely in oil and hydro-sol production. This is because the plants are generally too small to produce a meaningful sized product. Generally, the stems on a new lavender plant are quite short.

Why we love them: We love these lavender bouquets because they are home grown and they smell AMAZING. Our lavender is highly aromatic!!